5 Most Common Car Accident Injuries and How to Reduce Recovery Costs

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Road accidents are traumatic events that can cause long-term health issues and mental damage. Being involved in a car crash can change your life completely and transform your habits. Many assume that the most lasting impact of an accident is the impact it can reek on your personal finances, but while most accidents don’t result in serious injury compared to financial damage, this isn’t true of all incidents.

Injuries and emotional consequences can affect your health and even become life-threatening if they are not treated correctly. Immediately after a car accident is vital to approximate the severity level of the injures you suffered and ask for specialised medical support. Besides, remember that some injuries can determine symptoms after days or even weeks, so it’s essential to pay attention to your health state’s evolution. 

Most common car accidents injuries 

Soft tissue injuries

One of the most common injuries someone can experience after a car crash is whiplash, an injury that affects the soft tissue of the neck. Soft tissue injuries can determine symptoms within days of the accident, so don’t neglect them or think they will diminish in time. If you experience the following symptoms, consider visiting a specialist: 

  • Neck pain;
  • Neck stiffness;
  • Headaches;
  • Pain and numbness in the upper part of the body and arms;
  • Fatigue and dizziness;
  • Blurred vision.

Whiplash can lead to long-term health problems if you don’t receive adequate treatment, causing conditions that can endanger your health and mobility. 


Car crashes are a leading cause of broken arms, legs, wrists, clavicles, hips, spine and skull fractures. Why are they so common? Because when you are involved in a road accident, your body experiences a strong impact during the collision. 

Fractures and broken bones have various severity levels, depending on the impact, and they can diminish your mobility and moving independency for weeks or months. The good part is they rarely have long-term effects or put your life at risk. The regenerative bone’s structure allows your body parts to heal and regain their mobility, helped by the appropriate recovery plan, including surgery and physiotherapy. 

The main two types of fractures are:

Open (compound fracture). It can be immediately identified because the broken bone pokes through the skin. Open fractures often require surgical procedures to heal.  

Closed (simple fracture). The skin hides the broken bone. 

No matter the fracture type, the symptoms usually occur immediately after the impact and include: 

  • Severe pain that intensifies while moving or touching;
  • Redness and swelling;
  • Bruising or discoloration;
  • Deformity of the injured area;
  • Visible bones.

If you experience the symptoms listed above after a car crash, make sure you receive the proper treatment and keep in touch with your healthcare provider during the healing and recovery process. 

Brain injuries

Any driver or passenger is exposed to concussions when involved in a car crash. These kinds of injuries are caused by the collision between your head and the car’s parts. You may ask how to recognise a concussion. These injuries frequently remain undiagnosed because the victims or specialists don’t recognise the symptoms. But the signs are usually obvious, and if you experience headaches, dizziness, slurred speech, memory or energy loss and confusion, don’t hesitate to seek medical assistance. 

If treated incorrectly or neglected, brain injuries may become life-threatening because they can lead to severe consequences, such as blood collection between the brain and skull or second impact syndrome.


Internal injuries

Internal injuries can put your life at risk if they are not discovered on time. Usually, car accident victims suffer from internal bleeding caused by the shock their bodies experience. This condition requires immediate medical assistance because it can become a threat to your life in a short time. 

They are not visible, but some of the symptoms, including weakness and numbness on one side of the body, severe headaches, dizziness, loss of coordination or difficulty swallowing, may alarm you. 

Spine injuries

Spine injuries are very dangerous and can have long-term effects if neglected or discovered too late. They can cause chronic pain, respiratory complications or even paralysis. So if you notice symptoms, such as severe back pain, incoordination or paralysis, difficulty with balance and breathing difficulties, contact a medical specialist. 

PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder)

PTSD is a common psychological consequence that can occur after a road accident. Victims usually neglect emotional injuries, but they can affect your wellbeing and alter your mental state. If you confront severe anxiety, guilt, insomnia, nightmares, memory loss, and negative thoughts after a car accident, consider contacting a psychotherapist and asking your family and friends for help. 

A therapist, along with your loved ones’ support, will help you overcome the traumatic situation and control your reactions. Don’t be afraid to seek professional help because they are the only ones who can give you proper medication and psychological support. 

How to reduce recovery costs

Recovery can be expensive, and the last thing you need after being injured in a car accident is a long list of expenses and debts. Here are some tips to help you reduce recovery costs:

Ask your family and friends to support you

After a car accident, you may experience anxiety, panic attacks or even depression, so it’s essential to have someone you trust for a faster recovery. Besides, your loved ones can help you financially, too, if you need their support. 

It may seem difficult to ask for financial help, especially if you are an independent adult, but remember that this is an emergency and temporary situation. So, if the accident affects your capacity to work, but you still have bills to pay, don’t hesitate to ask for a loan. You can return their help after recovery.

Ask for legal support 

Asking for legal support is an essential step to take after suffering a car accident. Besides, if someone else’s fault caused the car crash, it’s your right to claim compensations that can help you pay for the injuries, treatment or recovery plan, and material damage caused. 

Don’t hesitate to contact a specialised attorney who can help you understand and follow the necessary steps to obtain your compensation. They will offer all the required information and assist you during the legal procedures and trials. 

Rethink your professional journey

An accident can cause injuries that unfortunately may let you physically disabled, losing your job. But don’t panic because you will always have the option of rethinking and changing your career.  

You can attend courses, discover new hobbies and passions, start your own business, or seek jobs that involve sitting on a desk most of the time. Here are some domains you can choose:

Being involved in a car accident is traumatic, and not paying attention to your physical and mental injuries can cause long-term consequences. So, it’s important to analyse all the recovery process variables and understand that no matter the financial difficulties, your health is the most important.