5 Ways to Save Money on Your Car This Winter

With inflation rising by almost 10% this year, we’re living in a cost-of-living crisis. With prices going up across the board, many of us are looking at ways we can reduce essential costs such as food and heating.

But have you thought about how you can save money on your car?

Luckily, there are plenty of ways you can save money by making smart car swaps. Here are just some of them.

Prepare your car for winter

Although it can be tempting to push your car to the bottom of your priority list, you really shouldn’t.

As winter rolls around, it’s a good idea to carry out some basic maintenance checks. As a minimum, you should:

  • Check your tread depth – The legal limit is 1.6mm, so if your tyres are below this, you’ll need to get them replaced.
  • Check your tyre pressure – Under-inflated tyres are more prone to skidding, so it’s important to check they are adequately pumped up as you head into winter.
  • Inspect your brakes – Stopping distances on wet, icy or snowy roads are higher, so your brakes must be working as they should be.
  • Inspect your wipers – Your car’s windscreen wipers must work overtime in winter, so make sure you invest in new ones if your wipers are showing signs of wear.

By ensuring your car is ready for winter, you can minimise your chances of costly repairs striking unexpectedly.

You may also want to consider buying winter tyres. Winter tyres dramatically reduce your stopping distance compared to normal tyres. More control means an accident is less likely – and that means you’ll be able to avoid hefty insurance excess fees.

Avoid idling

Leaving your vehicle running in the cold can drain fuel unnecessarily. Ahead of your trip, try to defrost your windscreen using water and only turn your engine on when you’re ready to go.

Minimise your fuel costs

It’s no secret that fuel is expensive. But there are some ways you can reduce the amount of money you spend on petrol.

If you can, walk shorter distances rather than getting in the car. If you do have to use your car, try to shop around for the cheapest petrol and check your route in advance so you don’t waste fuel driving the wrong way!

Park out of the elements

Parking away from other vehicles reduces your chances of getting your car damaged by another driver. In the same way that parking out of the elements reduces your chances of being damaged by frost and wind.

Address small issues before they snowball

If you notice something small, fix it before it gets worse. Often, by nipping a car problem in the bud, you can reduce the amount of money you spend on repairs in the long run.  

If you haven’t already, why not give these tips a try?